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Can You Spend an Hour with God?

Eucharistic Adoration

Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves "the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us".  During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait", we remain "silent" in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist. By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be. Like a magnet, The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us. Eucharistic Adoration is "God and Man reaching out for each other, at the same time!" 

Parishioners are invited to come and adore our Lord.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be in the Adoration Chapel on Tuesdays, immediately following Daily Mass in the Church from 8:00 AM until 12:15 PM.




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